Wednesday, October 10, 2012

What's Up With That #5- Hipocrites

Four years ago at this time, I and everyone I knew were being bombed with crap from nut-case, fundamentalist Christians screaming that President Obama wasn't a Christian.   Day in and day out ad naseum, we were told that Christians shouldn't vote for him because he wasn't religious enough.

Where are they this time?  I've received nothing.

Might this be due to the fact that Mitt Romney is, dare I say it, a Mormon?  No one seems to mention the elephant in the room.  Fundamentalist Christians don't believe that Mormons are Christian, in fact, they consider and teach that they are a cult.

So, how can they throw their enthused support behind a Mormon?  I guess they hate Obama so much that they'll forgo their principals to get him out of office.

I'm surprised I'm not hearing the screech of, as the Dilbert comic strip once put it, "Paradigms shifting without a clutch."

Ouch, their little brains must be throbbing.


  1. Such a shallow post. How about some examples? Some analysis as to why your premise is EXTREMELY false!

  2. I'm not sure what part of my post is shallow? I'm not sure why when the right wing criticizes President Obama's religious credentials it seems to be OK, but NO ONE is allowed to question Mr. Romney's religious beliefs. This election is remarkably silent on that front. I'm just pointing that peculiarity out and wondering what's up with that?

    What part of my premise is false? Some examples of what? You're not clear. Do you think it's false that fundamenatalist Christians think Mormonism is not Chrisitanity and some believe it's a cult. Really? As a Christian who has spent a lifetime in church and around many Christians, fundamentalist and mainline, I can tell you from experience that from the cradle we were taught that Mormonism was not Christanity and that it was a cult. I have heard sermons, been in Sunday School classes, confirmation classes, read books, papers, editorials, etc. all saying the same thing, Mormonism is not Christianity. If you have not heard that then you must have lived under a rock all your life.

    I didn't say I endorse the belief, or that I believe it, I said that Fundementalists do, and always have. I am not a Fundamenatalist.

    What happened to Joesph Smith? What happened when the good people of Nauvoo, Il ran the Mormons out of Illinois, and killed many of them? Go to Nauvoo sometime and hear the story. They love telling it.

    Don't take my experience and word for it, here are a couple Fundamentalists to speak for themselves:

    "Doug Harris of Reach Out Trust, Rocky and Hellen Hulse of Midwest Mission Mormon Outreach, Jim Robinson of Concerned Christians, etc, each of which heads up a Fundamentalist ministry intent on saving Mormons from Mormonism at whatever cost to Mormons individually and corporately that they deem fitting." A quote from a Mormon website decrying how they are treated by Fundamentalist Christians.

    Most recently, Robert Jeffress, pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas, told a reporter that Romney "is not a Christian" and characterized Mormonism as a "cult."

    So let's recap. My post is shallow because I'm mentioning that many Fundamentalist Christians believe Mormonism is not Christianity, but will vote for Romney anyway because he's a Republican.

    And, you think that my premise is false, so evidently you think that Fundamenatalist Christians embrace the Mormons as Christian brothers. So, you don't think Joeseph Smith as a prophet next to God, no acceptence of creeds, three heavens, Jesus in America, no women or people of color in the church Hierarchy, a second Bible (The Book of Mormon), a history of poligamy, and more, bothers your run of the mill Fundamentalist church member? Really.

    I happen to believe that cognitive dissonance has set in and Fundamentalists will believe eventially that Mormons are OK because their canidate is one, but I know that until he became their canidate they didn't believe that way.
