Sunday, September 23, 2012

"What's Up With That # 4 More, Women Hateing Republicans

OK, I've not posted for a while, life getting in the way and all that.  When I did my last "What's Up With That?" rant about Republicans hating women,I thought that I was done with the subject.  I mean, I commented twice on the women hating antics of certain members of the Republican party, we get the idea, subject closed.

To my surprise, as the long, hot, dry, summer painfully wore on, more mind boggling comments were made by our conservative friends.  These comments were so blatantly sexist I could only pick my jaw up off of the floor, shake my head, and exclaim, "What's Up With That?"

As we all know by now, Todd Akin, the Republican nominee for senate in Missouri justified his argument against providing abortions for raped women by claiming that the body has a natural defense to getting pregnant in cases of “legitimate” rape. (As opposed to non-legitimate rape, what ever that is.  Wow, our bodies are very discerning.)

Of course the poo hit the fan after that thick headed comment.  The National Republican Party disavowed any connection to Mr. Akin, his comment or his views.  What else could they do?

That's all well and good, but then they nominated a Vice-Presidential candidate who not only made similar comments, but co-sponsored a bill with Rep. Akin to redefine rape as "forcible rape". (Once again, as opposed to non-forcible rape.)  I guess if you're not violently forced to have non-consensual sex it doesn't count.  So sorry to all the rape victims who were "roofied".  Too bad, you're out of luck!

With that in mind, can we really believe the Republican Party doesn't in their "heart of hearts" agree with Mr. Akin?
These aren't the only idiotic comments being made by Republicans. These guys have friends who say things just as idiotic as they do! Republican Congressman Steve King  said and I quote, "I've never heard of a woman getting pregnant from statutory rape or incest". 

Really? What is wrong with these guys?  Is Mr. King endorsing statutory rape or incest?  I'm not sure the point he's trying to make.

In their rabid frenzy to stop abortion at all costs they are sacrificing women on the altar of their agenda.

They claim to love and respect women, but I don't see it.